Hypnoseakademiet er opptatt av evidensbasert praksis. Vi har derfor samlet en rekke vitenskapelige artikler som du kan lese, slik at du kan holde deg oppdatert på feltet.
Tittel | Åpne dokument |
A Comparison of the Efficacy of Acupuncture andHypnotherapy in Patients With Migraine | Åpne |
A Meta-Analysis for the Efficacy of Hypnotherapyin Alleviating PTSD Symptoms | Åpne |
A Meta-Analysis of Hypnotic Interventions forDepression Symptoms: High Hopes for Hypnosis? | Åpne |
A National Survey of Clinical Hypnosis Views andExperiences of the Adult Population in the UnitedStates | Åpne |
Alert Hypnosis With Tai Chi Movement for TraumaResolution | Åpne |
Are Anesthesia Providers Ready for Hypnosis?Anesthesia Providers’ Attitudes TowardHypnotherapy | Åpne |
Brain Activity and Functional Connectivity Associatedwith Hypnosis | Åpne |
Clinical Hypnosis and Female Sexual Dysfunction: A Case Report | Åpne |
Clinical Hypnosis and Music In Breast Biopsy:ARandomized Clinical Trial | Åpne |
Clinical hypnosis for palliative care in severe chronic diseases: A review andthe procedures for relieving physical, psychological and spiritual symptoms | Åpne |
Clinical Hypnosis in Reducing Chronic Insomnia Accompanied by Rumination | Åpne |
Australian Journal of Experimental Clinical Hypnosis | Åpne |
Clinical Hypnosis, an Effective Mind–Body Modalityfor Adolescents with Behavioral andPhysical Complaints | Åpne |
Clinical hypnosis, mindfulness and spirituality inpalliative care | Åpne |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Plus Hypnosisfor Distress During Breast Radiotherapy: A Randomized Trial | Åpne |
Cognitive-behavioral therapy plus hypnosis to reduce emotional distress associated with radiotherapy for breast cancer: A randomized trial | Åpne |
Disseminating hypnosis to health care settings: Applying theRE-AIM framework | Åpne |
Effect of Hypnosis on Pulmonary Function and Severity of the Disease in Asthmatic Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Åpne |
Efficacy and Safety of MidazolamOral Solution for Sedative Hypnosisand Anti-anxiety in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Åpne |
Effects of hypnosis during pregnancy: A psychophysiological study onmaternal stress | Åpne |
Bru kav hypnose i systemisk terapi: En kvalitativ studie som utforsker hvordan systemiske terapeuter brukerhypnose i sin kliniske praksis | Åpne |
Feasibility of clinical hypnosis for transesophageal echocardiography in children and adolescents | Åpne |
Efficacy, acceptability and safety of guided imagery/hypnosis infibromyalgia–A systematic review and meta-analysis ofrandomized controlled trials | Åpne |
Guided Imagery, Biofeedback, and Hypnosis: A Map of the Evidence | Åpne |
Harm in Hypnosis: Three Understandings FromPsychoanalysis That Can Help | Åpne |
Braincorrelatesofhypnosis:Asystematicreviewandmeta-analyticexploratio | Åpne |
Hypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep Outcomes: A Systematic Review | Åpne |
Hypnosisforburnwoundcarepainandanxiety:Asystematicreviewandmeta-analysis | Åpne |
Hypnosebehandling af børn og unge med funktionelle mavesmerter | Åpne |
Hypnosis: A Psychodynamic Perspective | Åpne |
Hypnosis and Mindfulness: The Twain Finally Meet | Åpne |
Hypnosis and The Therapeutic Relationship:Relational Factors of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy | Åpne |
Hypnosis as a Valuable Tool for Surgical Procedures in the Oral and Maxillofacial Area | Åpne |
Hypnosis Attitudes: Treatment Effects andAssociations With Symptoms in Individuals With Cancer | Åpne |
Hypnosis for children undergoing dental treatment (Review) | Åpne |
Hypnosis for Hot Flashes and AssociatedSymptomsin Women with Breast Cancer | Åpne |
Hypnosis for pain management during labour and childbirth (Review) | Åpne |
Hypnosis for Smoking Relapse Prevention: A Randomized Trial | Åpne |
Hypnosis for Surgical Pain | Åpne |
Hypnosis in Cancer Care | Åpne |
Hypnosis, anesthesia, pain management, and preparation for medical procedures | Åpne |
Hypnosisandtop-downregulationofconsciousness | Åpne |
Interventions for reducing fear of childbirth: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials | Åpne |
Incorporating Hypnosis into Pediatric Clinical Encounters | Åpne |
Integrating Clinical Hypnosis and Neurofeedback | Åpne |
Integrating Pediatric Hypnosis with Complementary Modalities: Clinical Perspectives on Personalized Treatment | Åpne |
Introducing Clinical Hypnosis to Dentists: Special Challenges and Strategies | Åpne |
Langerian Mindfulness and Its Implications for Clinical Hypnosis | Åpne |
Learning Clinical Hypnosis Wide Awake: Can We Teach Hypnosis Hypnotically? | Åpne |
Looking at Alert, Conversational Hypnosis | Åpne |
MECHANISMS OF HYPNOSIS: Toward the Development of a Biopsychosocial Model | Åpne |
Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness Magnitude of Hypnosis on Posttraumatic Stress DisorderTreatment | Åpne |
New directions in hypnosis research: strategies foradvancing the cognitive and clinical neuroscienceof hypnosis | Åpne |
Non-pharmacological interventions for reducing mental distress in patients undergoing dental procedures: Systematic review and meta-analysis | Åpne |
Pain Modulation in Waking and Hypnosis in Women: Event-Related Potentials and Sources of Cortical Activity | Åpne |
Promoting Safety in Hypnosis: A ClinicalInstrument for the Assessment of Alertness | Åpne |
Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnotherapy on Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Case Study | Åpne |
Raising Relational Critical Consciousness to Enhance Empathy in Clinical Hypnosis | Åpne |
Recommendations and Illustrations for Combining Hypnosis and EMDR in the Treatment ofPsychological Trauma | Åpne |
Reconsidering Hypnosis and Psychoanalysis: Toward Creating a Context for Understanding | Åpne |
Review of the international hypnosis literature | Åpne |
The effectiveness of hypnosis for pain relief: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 85 controlled experimental trials | Åpne |
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distraction and Hypnosis forNeedle-Related Pain and Distress in Children and Adolescents | Åpne |
Taking hypnosis to the next level: Valuable tips for enhancing your clinical practice | Åpne |
The Effect of Hypnosis on Anxiety in PatientsWith Cancer: A Meta-Analysis | Åpne |
The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment forAnxiety: A Meta-Analysis | Åpne |
The Enduring Relationship Between Clinical Hypnosis and the Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorde | Åpne |
The Hypnotic Induction in the Broad Scheme ofHypnosis: A Sociocognitive Perspective | Åpne |
The neural mechanisms of immediate and follow-upof the treatment effect of hypnosis on smoking craving | Åpne |
The Rate of Adverse Events Related to Hypnosis During Clinical Trials | Åpne |
The Role of Hypnosis in Cancer Care | Åpne |
The role of hypnotherapy in evidence-based clinical practice | Åpne |
The role of clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis to relief pain and anxiety in severe chronic diseases in palliative care: A 2-year longterm follow-up of treatment in a nonrandmoized clinical trial | Åpne |
Utilizing Principles of Clinical Hypnosis for an Effective Communication with Patients in Managing Chronic Pain | Åpne |
Valencia Model of Waking Hypnosis: Background,Research, and Clinical Applications | Åpne |
What is the Essence of Hypnosis? | Åpne |
Yearning for the Vastness of the Sea: Reflections and Commentary on Professional Training in Hypnosis | Åpne |